Archive for 2011

  • RubyMine vs. Vim: my point of view

    September 18, 2011

    This post was originally published in the Rambling Labs Blog on September 18, 2011.

    So, I tweeted a question earlier today about what editor is preferred by the rubyists and, although I didn’t get many answers, it, combined with a recent discussion I had about RubyMine vs. Vim later, helped me clear my reasoning a bit.

    By my reading of Agile Web Development With Rails and some people I follow on twitter, it seems that all the cool geeks use Vim (or TextMate or Emacs) for Ruby and Ruby on Rails programming instead of any IDE.

    I once googled to find out that vim was way complicated to set up. That same time, I found akitaonrails vimfiles on github. Fairly easy to set up if you just follow the instructions. But today I realized that there…

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  • Showing git and mercurial repository information in PowerShell

    June 9, 2011

    This post was originally published in the Rambling Labs Blog on June 9, 2011.

    A while ago, I started getting a little annoyed when pushing my changes. It wasn’t until *then *that I realized that I forgot to add a yet untracked file to the repository or that I was in the wrong branch.

    I made a quick Google search and found that I wasn’t the only one with this problem, and that there are some pretty cool solutions out there.

    Since I’m currently developing in Windows, I found posh-git and posh-hg to be the more adequate ones.

    It’s really easy. Just download them from here and here (or just go to links above and look for Downloads).

    Both posh-git and posh-hg provide a quick inline summary with the current branch name and the number of…

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