Articles tagged 'github'

  • Git: Removing sensitive data and rewriting history

    April 27, 2012

    This post was originally published in the Rambling Labs Blog on April 27, 2012.

    One thing that tends to happen with Git, is being careless with what you add to your repository. I’ve seen this happen since I began using Git, a couple years ago, and it stays happening over and over again, for various reasons.

    On one of the projects I was a long time ago, we added lots of files with sensitive information, including emails and passwords for some accounts for certain services. We also added a lot of images that weren’t really needed, and some of the ones that were needed, were not in the optimal size either. We were just starting up with Git, and we didn’t know what to include or exclude.

    To avoid making the story any longer, I just have…

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