Articles tagged 'activerecord'

  • Stripping down Rails 3.1: Using only the database migrations

    November 23, 2011

    This post was originally published in the Rambling Labs Blog on November 23, 2011.

    The current project I’m working on is not using Ruby on Rails, but I still want to use ActiveRecord Migrations for the database changes.

    There are some options out there for this, and most people that I read about and had this issue just use the activerecord gem and set up their rake tasks.

    I don’t want to write my own rake tasks, since I feel that I would be reinventing the wheel. So what did I do? I created a new rails application, and stripped it down, removing everything that is not needed to run the migrations.

    First, I created a rails application called ‘deploy’ on the root folder of the application with:

    rails new deploy

    Then, I removed all the…

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